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Access the source code

Access the source code

Deploy Dask on a cluster of virtual machines (VMs) on SURF Research Cloud (SRC). Access the cluster via JupyterHub, deployed on the head node.

Create the SRC Catalog Item

A member of the CO with "developer" privileges can register the current application as a Catalog Item on SURF Research Cloud following these instructions.

The following steps create a catalog item with the following three paraters: * the number of worker nodes in the cluster of VMs; * (optional) the URL to a conda environment file, employed to configure both the head node and the workers with the same Python environment; * (optional) a macaroon to authenticate access to the SURF dCache starage via dCacheFS.

Note that setting up the "Catalog Item" requires first to create a "Component" based on the Ansible playbook that is part of this repository.

Create the Component

Follow the "Create a component" instructions, using the following parameters:

  • Set "Component script type" to "Ansible Playbook".
  • In the "Script source" tab:
  • Set "Repository URL" as;
  • Set "Path" as research-cloud-plugin.yml;
  • (if neededed) Set "Tag" as target "branch" or "tag";
  • Set "Script availability" as "Script is publicly available through Git".
  • Add three "Component parameters":
  • Set "Parameter key" as environment_url, "Source type" as "Fixed", and tick "Overwritable";
  • Set "Parameter key" as dcache_token, "Source type" as "Fixed", and tick "Overwritable";
  • Set "Parameter key" as worker_ip_addresses, "Source type" as "Resource".
Create the Catalog Item

Follow the "Create a catalog item" instructions, using the following parameters:

  • In the "Available components" tab, choose the following components (in this order):
  • SRC-OS
  • SRC-CO
  • SRC-Ngnix
  • SRC-External plugin
  • the component created in the previous step
  • In the "Cloud providers" tab, add "SURF HPC Cloud cluster" with "Ubuntu 20.04" as OS and tick all available sizes.
  • In the "Ovewritable parameters" tab:
  • For co_passwordless_sudo, set "Actions" to "Overwrite" and set "New parameter value" to true.
  • For num_nodes, set "Actions" to "Make interactive", set "Label or question for workspace creator" to "Number of worker nodes", and set "Default parameter value" to 0.
  • For dcache_token, set "Actions" to "Make interactive", set "Label or question for workspace creator" to "dCache token: provide the macaroon to authenticate on the dCache storage", and set "Default parameter value" to null.
  • For environment_url, set "Actions" to "Make interactive", set "Label or question for workspace creator" to "Conda environment file: provide the URL to a custom environment.yml (blank for default environment)", and set "Default parameter value" to default.


Most of the playbooks in this repository have been taken, inspired or adapted from the ones in the eWaterCycle infrastructure and the Emma projects.